The lesson includes the following:
1.1. Introduction.
Histology as a science and its divisions.
The place of histology in medical education.
Microscopy. Histotechniques. Staining.
1.2 Cytology.
Levels of organization of biological systems.
Biomembranes as a structural basis of cells. Plasmalemma, nucleolemma.
Cytoplasm, organelles, inclusions, hyaloplasm.
Functional cell systems: synthesis, catabolism, detoxification.
Nucleus. Structure, functions, chromatin, nucleolus, chromosomes.
Types of cell reproduction. Cell cycle. Aging and cell death.
We recommend you the following plan to study the material:
1. To read textbook chapter Cytology 1 and Cytology 2
2. To study the presentation Cytology.
3. To watch educational video "Histology slides preparation", "Animal cell", "Inner Life Of A Cell"
4. To fill in the section of the workbook on the topic of the lesson
5. To study histological structures on microphotographs and to name the structures marked on them. After studying the structures, please make a note in the album for practical classes.
6. After studying the topic, please do the tests: Cytology 1 and Cytology 2