Information about distance study
Dear students! To study Histology, Cytology and Embryology, we recommend to use the following resources: 1. Website of the department...
KROK 1- video lecture
Dear students! We are pleased to inform you that our Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology has created a video lecture on...
Workbook - respiratory and urinary systems
Respiratory system https://drive.google.com/file/d/12i0FBMN9NWOU1pxSzeHSlCRMSFqRd8-r/view?usp=sharing Urinary system...
Відбудеться студентська інтернет-конференція з гістології
Шановні студенти! 11 червня 2020 року відбудеться студентська реферативно-дослідна інтеренет-конференція «Нові уявлення про регенеративні...
The procedure for the exam at the Department of Histology
The exam is held in ZOOM. The exam starts at 9.00. The group giver an exam for one examiner. Students enter the conference in...
Workbook - immune, endocrine & digestive systems
Immune system Endocrine system Digestive system
KROK webinar
Dear students! 14.04.2020 The Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology invites you to KROK webinar for 3rd course. At 16:00 p.m....
Information for students during quarantine (Information is being updated!)
Classes are held according to the schedule on the Zoom Cloud Meetings platform Class attendance registration Test "Cartilage" Test "Bone"...
З 12 березня 2020 року по 3 квітня 2020 року відповідно до Постанови Уряду України та Листа МОН України в усіх освітніх закладах країни...
Online test for 1st year students
Dear students of medical faculties, you should pass online test with histological slides (part 1: Cytology&Embryology). Follow the link:...
Online test for dentistry students
Dear 1st year students of the dental faculty! You have to pass the online test with histological slides of the Module 1 (Cytology and...