The lesson includes the following: 1.1. Introduction. Histology as a science and its divisions. The place of histology in medical...
The lesson includes the following: 1.1. Introduction. Histology as a science and its divisions. The place of histology in medical...
The lesson includes the following: Features of the structure of gametes. Early stages of embryogenesis: fertilization, cleavage,...
The lesson includes the following: Epithelium, cell junctions. Glandular epithelium, glands. We recommend you the following plan to study...
The lesson includes the following: Loose fibrous connective tissue. Dense fibrous connective tissue. Ligaments, tendons. Connective...
The lesson includes the following: Properties and structure of bone tissue. Cells and intercellular substance. Classification and...
The lesson includes the following: The structure of cartilaginous tissues. Cells and intercellular substance. Classification, functions...
The lesson includes the following: Structure and properties of muscle tissue. Classification of muscle tissue. Skeletal muscle tissue....
The lesson includes the following: Neurons - structure, properties, functions, morphological and functional classifications. Nerve...
The lesson includes the following: Tissues of the internal environment. Blood. Lymph. Hematopoiesis We recommend you the following plan...
The lesson includes the following: The structure of the vessels of the macrocirculatory tract (arteries and veins). The structure of the...
The lesson includes the following: Central and peripheral organs of the immune system. The structure of the red bone marrow and thymus....
The lesson includes the following: Central and peripheral organs of the endocrine system. Hypothalamic-pituitary system. Pineal gland....
The lesson includes the following: Embryonic development of the face and oral cavity Histology of oral cavity organs Mucous membrane of...
The lesson includes the following: Development of teeth (odontogenesis) Structure of teeth We recommend you the following plan to study...
The lesson includes the following: Compartments and development of organs of the alimentary canal (digestive tube) General plan of the...
The lesson includes the following: General plan of structure and development of digestive glands Salivary glands Pancreas Liver and gall...
The lesson includes the following: Airways: compartments, general plan of structure, structure of layers. Nasal cavity. The sense of...
The lesson includes the following: Kidney. General structure and functions. Structure of nephron. Kidney blood supply. Endocrine...
The lesson includes the following: The structure of the testicle. Spermatogenesis. Male genital ducts. Additional glands - prostate,...