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Information about distance study

Фото автора: histology.knmuhistology.knmu

Dear students! To study Histology, Cytology and Embryology, we recommend to use the following resources:

The site contains textbooks, presentations, microphotographs and other educational materials.

For distance study, we have created a new section, which can be found in the website menu "For students" - "Distance study" or go to the direct link

In this section, we have created pages on the topics of classes, which contain everything you need to study each topic: presentation, educational video, micro-photographs, chapters of the textbook and the workbook and links to the online test.

2. Our department has a Facebook page

3. If you prefer Telegram, we advise you to subscribe to the channel of our department. We will publish current news and announcements about distance study on this channel.

Please note that the department has 2 channels:

channel in Ukrainian

Keep in touch with us and take care of yourself!

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KROK 1- video lecture

Dear students! We are pleased to inform you that our Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology has created a video lecture on...


© 2018-2024

© 2018-2024 Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології Харківського національного медичного університету

Україна, 61022, м. Харків,пр. Науки, 4, НЛК. Тел. (057) 707-72-78, 707-73-51; 707-73-46.

© 2018-2024 Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Kharkiv National Medical University

Ukraine, 61022 Kharkiv, Nauky Avenue, 4. Phone: (057) 707-72-78 , 707-73-51; 707-73-46.

Розробка та підтримка сайту/Website editor: Наталія Мар'єнко

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