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Digestive system - oral cavity (dentistry)

Фото автора: histology.knmuhistology.knmu

Обновлено: 1 сент. 2022 г.

The lesson includes the following:

  • Embryonic development of the face and oral cavity

  • Histology of oral cavity organs

  • Mucous membrane of the oral cavity: structure, functions, types

  • Structure of lips, cheeks, gums, hard and soft palate

  • Tongue structure. Tongue papillae and taste buds. The organ of taste

We recommend you the following plan to study the material:

To fill in the section of the workbook on the topic of the lesson

To study histological structures on microphotographs and to name the structures marked on them. After studying the structures, please make a note in the album for practical classes.

After studying the topic, please do the test: Digestive system 1

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© 2018-2024

© 2018-2024 Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології Харківського національного медичного університету

Україна, 61022, м. Харків,пр. Науки, 4, НЛК. Тел. (057) 707-72-78, 707-73-51; 707-73-46.

© 2018-2024 Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Kharkiv National Medical University

Ukraine, 61022 Kharkiv, Nauky Avenue, 4. Phone: (057) 707-72-78 , 707-73-51; 707-73-46.

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